The Cheapest Way To Improve Your Credit with $10 a Month

01/06/2021 by Rainer Mayer*136950952_1306051449752168_9034486998660658513_o*jpg?alt=media&token=a814dc2c-a7e9-42b1-ab44-8c78d4f3cc40

So you finally got hit by a brick straight in the face after checking your credit score or being turned down for a loan, car, or house.

Bummer bro. It's a shitty feeling. But if you're reading this post, it means you're being proactive about fixing or establishing your credit, or at least exploring different options. You'll have probably read a bunch of different articles online about the options available to you like secured credit cards, installment loans, and credit rebuilding loans.

I know this because it's the same steps I took when I decided to get my shit together.

Let's be honest brotha, your credit won't get fixed for free. You'll possibly have to hire a credit repair agency, drop a few hundred dollar deposits on some secured credit cards, and probably a down payment for a secured credit builder loan. On average, I contributed around $700 on deposits and annual fees, along with $170 a month to get the results I have today.

I ain't gonna lie, it was a bit overwhelming at first. But what helped me calm my nerves and my screaming wallet was to open one account at a time, not all at once. It helped me raise my score from a miserable 512 to a promising 644 in only 6 months. So in the spirit of paying it forward, let me share with you the cheapest account I know that exists to date.

KOVO Credit

Kovo Credit offers a Credit Builder Installment Plan costing you only $10 a month on a 24-month commitment. Along with reporting to all 3 major credit bureaus, they also have many helpful resources available to you if you're planning to purchase a car or home.

It's important that I clarify to you that this is not a loan, line of credit, credit card, or savings account.

The best way to describe Kovo Credit would be a company which you pay $10 a month to report positive payment history on your credit file to all 3 bureaus without them having to give you a product or service in return. All they do is send the report. That's it. You're literally paying them to report an active and current(payments on time) account without the hassles of interest or annual fees.

So what are you waiting for dude? Don't tell me you don't have an extra 10 dollars to spend a month because we both know that's a lie. After all, you just got a juicy $600 stimulus check.