This Is Why You Already Quit Your 2021 Goals

01/09/2021 by Rainer Mayer*136827238_1307690742921572_6024617078083352479_n*jpg?alt=media&token=28f85bf4-fc77-4ae8-ad51-f577ac20a1a9

It's because you're a little bitch.

Well, not really. But I'm glad I have your attention.

It's no mystery that by the end of December and beginning of January your feed will be filled with individuals posting their goals along with image quotes they screenshotted on Instagram and then cropped them to mask the steal. These flakes are usually the ones that quit on their goals as early as day 6.

If this is you, listen up.

It seems like you did everything right. You got clear on your goal, you placed a time frame on it, and you even made sure it was measurable, such as losing 15 lb or getting 80 kills on Fortnite at 2:51 a.m.(fucking loser btw). But by day 6 you ran out of food preps and the place that makes them is closed. So you take a peek in your fridge and all you have is junk food and hot pockets. So you say fuck it and cheat. You wanna know why?

It's because you didn't target the obstacles.

It's a simple concept to understand, yet when we hear the pros talk about goals and how to set them, they leave out an important part of the equation. They'll say something along the lines of "Make your goal precise and clear. Make sure it is measurable in order track progress and place a deadline on it. Then work it backwards into existence".

WTF does that last part even mean?

What this means is that you must foresee and plan an attack on the obstacles that will arise with each new level that brings you closer to your goal. Attacking your obstacles is also part of the work you'll have to put in.

Let me give you an example.

My wife and I made it our goal to own a home this year before June 30th. The first thing we contemplated was the top 3 obstacles that we were most likely to encounter. We identified our credit, verifiable income, and closing costs as our obstacles and conjured a plan to attack them.

We've been fixing our credit since last year so that was easy. My wife gets paid a commission but her employer did not use an "IRS friendly"method of tracking her income. So we attacked convinced the company’s accounting department to start tracking her income through paper check stubs and account deposits. We know we're going to need around 6-8k to close on a house so we ramped up the amount of cash we place in our savings each week.

The same applies to any goal.

Is your obstacle the kids being home because of virtual learning so you can't leave the house to hit the gym? Plan for a sitter or ask your mom or sister for help. Is your goal to spend 2 hours every Friday connecting with your wife but your obstacle is your addiction to playing all-nighters on your PS5? Throw that bitch in the garbage. The PS5, not your wife.

It's as simple as that. Simple, not easy. But then again, if it were easy, it wouldn't be a goal.

A goal without planning for obstacles is just wishful thinking.