The 1 Thing No One Tells New Real Estate Agents

02/01/2021 by Rainer Mayer*pros-and-cons-1024x512*png?alt=media&token=764df49f-1267-4996-af7d-c311c70e5ef2

Now, before we start this piece, I need you to understand that I am in no way a Real Estate Guru, Mentor, or seasoned professional. Hell, I'm not even a licensed agent yet. These blog posts are simply memoirs of the knowledge and wisdom I've encountered during my current pursuit of becoming a successful licensed agent. We've all seen stories and posts on social media of newly licensed agents frustrated with the lack of mentorship and resources that are available to them.

So, in the spirit of abundance, I'm sharing with you the key lessons I'm learning during our common pursuit of an exciting new career, a fat bank account, and a gratifying lifestyle.

Let's begin.

Statistics show that 87% of new Real Estate Agents quit during the first year after obtaining a license. Why you might ask? It all boils down to a simple yet difficult-to-change aspect of how we operate on a day-to-day basis.

No One Is Going To Send You Clients.

As a Real Estate agent, You're required to look for your own customers. Even if you just joined a fantastic Real Estate team that provides you with customers, you will still be expected to make a huge effort to find your own clients.

This effort is known as lead generation.

This complex referral machine consisting of many factors is the single most important thing an agent can do to generate revenue. It will be the driving force towards your success.

However, the great majority of real estate agents hate lead generation with a passion and will do anything they can to avoid it. The most common reasons agents say they hate lead generation and avoid executing on this valuable ability is because of a fear of rejection and the feeling of discomfort when asking someone for their business. It makes them feel pushy, very selfish, and extremely greedy.

But if you ask any successful agent who has conquered their fears, they will tell you that the real reason they hated this essential task at the beginning of their career is that they had never done it before, and no one told them it was a necessary part of earning their revenue.

Many agents share the misunderstanding that earning their license is the equivalent of getting a job. It's not. A job will pay you for showing up. Owning a business will pay you only when you find customers.

The agents who figure this out the quickest, tend to get off to a fast start in this lucrative industry.

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