It Gets Lonely When You Start Getting Your Shit Together

01/05/2021 by Rainer Mayer*134941090_1304776353213011_5887120211179173730_o*jpg?alt=media&token=d76564c8-c3b1-4ad1-b829-e2815e708f88

If you're reading this and disagree, then I can only imagine you're either a 20 something-year-old frequent clubber who hasn't woken up out of the adolescent, drink-and-drown, "I'll be young forever" delusion they're in. Or, you're 30+ year old that gave up on getting your shit together till 2022, maybe.

If the second resonates with you, then don't be ashamed bro. The vast majority of us have lived irresponsibly during our young adult life, including me. Heck, there are plenty of grown-ass men that still live their life this way.

As a young man, I ran away from my responsibilities for years. I avoided/hid from things like being a good father, a loving and caring husband, having a good credit score, placing a roof over my family's head, being a better leader at work, etc. That is until I decided to finally get my shit together at the ripe age of 30.

Getting your shit together after living like a careless entitled fuckhead isn't an easy task. It's quite simple, but not easy. I knew I would have to face every single procrastinated and half-assed decision I had ever made. Not only that, but I would have to start changing my values and priorities as well. Almost nobody embraces change at first. But I knew it had to be done.

The one thing I wasn't prepared for was the LONELINESS.

You see, in order for you to get your shit together and avoid not going back to being the same lametard(just made that up, but I like it) that you used to be, many meaningful changes to your priorities and values must be consciously made. Things like managing a budget, showing up sharp and ready for your wife and kids after work, and monitoring your credit score are just a few examples of the changes that, if done on a daily basis, will equal great and consistent results.

By far, the biggest and hardest decision you'll have to make is changing the group of people you spend the most time with. Yup, this includes family. You'll have to distance yourself from those individuals who directly and/or indirectly influence your decisions.

Take a good look at your current situation, and then that of your closest friends and family. Chances are if you don't have your finances, relationships, and house in order neither do they.

We've all heard the saying before. "You're the average of the 5 people you spend your time with", or "Your network determines is your net worth". Yes, they're cliches. But, they're cliches for a reason. They're all true!

This is where it can get very lonely for many. Why, do you ask?

Because you chose growth instead of company.

But not to worry my brother. This doesn't mean you'll be a loner for the rest of your life. It just means that you're soon to level up in many areas, including your personal relationships. Your group is just around the corner.