How to Check Your Credit Score for Free

01/04/2021 by Rainer Mayer*135189352_1304110483279598_2069920102541979600_n*jpg?alt=media&token=ade6b169-4358-4dc6-8472-d14d85ab0f2b

"That's super fucken simple Rainer. Everyone knows how to check their credit score."

Well, not exactly. I didn't learn to pull my credit files till 2 years ago. And when I finally did, I ignored the hell out of fixing the negative marks on it since I thought I was in a shitty situation and it would be easier to ignore the files and wait for them to expire in 7 years.

I had to figure this shit out myself and even though the steps and ideas might be common sense to many, I promise you there are many men like you and I that didn't know where to start. Fear no more my brother. You're not alone. So let's dive into the first and most important step which is:


Now, I know what you must be thinking right now because I thought the exact same thing. "Here I go signing up for one of those sketchy credit websites that charges me $50 a month to give me a number reflecting my score and help "protect" my credit file, or whatever the hell that means".

Well, there's some good news for the skeptical. checking your credit score is now FREE. That's right, FREE. And when I say FREE I don't mean "Sign up for a free 30-day trial in hope that you'll forget to cancel the membership so we can charge you".

All it takes is a quick sign-up to 2 websites that will provide you your 3 most relevant credit scores for FREE. Let's dive right in:


This website is extremely user-friendly and will provide you with 2 of your 3 credit scores; Transunion and Equifax. Yes, it is FREE. It also has some really cool features like a Credit Card and Personal Loan Match up to help guide you towards applying for the credit card and/or loan that fits your credit profile.


This website gives you your Experian credit score directly from Experian itself, unlike which uses 3rd party providers to estimate your credit scores. It is more accurate than Credit Karma and also comes with some useful Credit Card/Loan Match features.

Make sure to review each report thoroughly. It might come as a surprise to you to find items on your report that are incorrect. But do not worry. Learn to look at these discrepancies on your report as a good thing and an opportunity.


Because what has been measured can finally begin to improve.

Credit reports by law must be truthful and accurate, therefore, any discrepancies in your report can be disputed and eliminated which results in an increase in your credit score! Not only that, but there are a handful of different options and techniques you can take immediate action on to boost your credit score in a matter of months.

Stay tuned and we'll go over these options and techniques that helped me boost my credit score from a low 500 to a current 650 in a matter of 5 months.

My brother, it's time to place a roof over your family's head.